Friday, July 12, 2013

PRESS RELEASE: Five Women Chain Themselves in Senate Gallery to Protest HB2

Sarah AD
PRESS RELEASE: Five Women Chain Themselves in Senate Gallery to Protest HB2

This evening, the Texas State Senate debated HB2. In opposition to this legislation five brave, female, nonviolent, pro-choice activists chained themselves to the brass banisters of the Senate Gallery. They wore white gowns to symbolize a unifying peace but painted blood on the fabric to signify the self-inflected violence and death desperate women seeking fast or illegal abortions will face if HB2 goes into effect and women's healthcare facilities are shut down.

... One of the five activists and a former paramedic, Jamie, was chained longest to the Senate Gallery banister. She released this statement prior to her arrest: "As this whole process gets more and more intense, I feel the need to express why I am here at the Capitol today. I am very concerned that the passage of this legislation (sb1/hb2), will inevitably lead to the closure of 37 reproductive healthcare clinics across the state of Texas. This will cut off safe and affordable healthcare to hundreds of thousands of rural Texas women. These clinics, such as Planned Parenthood, offer many vital services such as birth control, pap smears, mammograms, and safe, legal pregnancy terminations. If these clinics close their doors, women without affordable health insurance may have to face the difficult decision of getting that lump checked out or feeding their families. Or even worse, attempting to self inflict an abortion to terminate an unwanted pregnancy out of fear and desperation. This is extremely dangerous, and I have witnessed this myself in my line of work. I will never forget the young 20-yr old woman that drank bleach in an attempt to terminate. All I want is safe and accessible healthcare for the women in my beautiful community, and women around the world. I would like women to be empowered to make their own decisions about their own bodies and decide their own fate. Whether or not you agree with abortions on a moral level, I truly believe that every woman deserves to make that decision for herself. Sorry if this isn't in the most clear format, I have been awake for a very very long time. I love you all!!!"

For immediate media inquiries regarding this incident:

Sarah Dickerson
Member, Rise Up Texas
P: 208-874-3459
copied from facebook to post on twitter

Sunday, June 30, 2013


We are ALL Obama and he is us. 
Enthusiasm, hope and thirst for freedom didn't start with Obama and doesn't end when he leaves office. 
It's in us. It was always there but was buried under GOP distraction, recession and national catastrophe. 

Obama gave us back our National Pride.  Obama reminded us of our responsibility to and in the world.  He gave us class, dignity, elegance and humor.  Obama and Michelle brought intimacy, elegance and quiet grace to the White House.  Their family is our family, complete with Bo, the lovable, snugly dog. 
The Obamas are all of us and we are them.  WE are what America is about-  not politics, infighting, power struggles.  These things are tearing us apart and tearing at our memories of what we should be - where we SHOULD AND COULD BE NOW
Americans are patriots - we love our family, our towns, our country. 
Americans are compassionate-  we NEVER have so little or are too busy to help the less fortunate, elderly or abused. 
Americans are cheerful and positive - we KEEP THE SUNNY SIDE UP -  negativity and constant attacks is UN-AMERICAN because it is UN-CIVIL. 
Americans are CIVIL.  We honor our parents and mentors, we teach and are taught manners and use them. IF we disagree with someone we remember what Thumper taught us: 'if you can't say something nice, DON'T SAY ANYTHING'    Obama is a GREAT example of this axiom.  I've NEVER heard Obama OR Michelle say anything negative about ANYONE - regardless of how horrible the attacks on them. 
That's Grace. 
The Obamas personify everything that is good and right about America and  American values. 
Let's keep the spirit of Obama if we can't keep him in the White House. 
That's why I say -  I AM OBAMA.  The goodwill and independence that came to America with Obama remains here with US. 
It's up to US now.  WE are Obama's legacy-   let's make him proud